- Born in Tallahassee, FL
- Graduated from Ponce de Leon High School, 1969
- Graduated from Chipola Jr. College and University of FL
- Taught at Holmes County High School, Bonifay, FL, 1973
- Taught at Bethlehem High School, Bonifay, FL, 1973-74
- Taught at Ponce de Leon High School, Ponce de Leon, FL, 1974-82
- Principal of Ponce de Leon High School, 1982-85
- Director of Vocational Ed, Holmes County, 1985-88
- Principal/Voc. Director, Poplar Springs School, 1988-90
- Vocational Director, Holmes County, 1990-96
- Superintendent, Holmes County, 1996-2004
- Student of Wayne Manning and Leroy Gillis